Thursday, June 14, 2018

In the beginning….

I  never blogged before 2015. I rarely even read other blogs. I am not one to search out some interesting “word of the day” or “inspirational quote”. But quite often, these blogs, words, and quotes seem to find me somehow. As though I am on a list of “people who need to hear this stuff” somewhere on the internet or in the U.S. postal service.

“So Laura”, you may ask, “why are you blogging?” 
I recently started to write in a  journal. More the devotional and prayer type.  I have learned some very interesting things about myself.  As I continued to pray, write and learn, I thought to myself, “what if I could share what I am learning?”  While I am not an amazing person, I have to admit, God is teaching me some pretty amazing stuff.  I always said I would one day write a book with all of my own quotes. I would call it, ‘A Day in the Life of No One Special’.  I thought it was a catchy title. It made me chuckle just to say it.   But then, in the past several years, my life had taken such hairpin turns that were unbelievably wonderful and unbearably painful at the same time.  I often heard myself saying WHAT THE….. is going on???  Almost every person who has heard my story, has said “You need to write a book. Your story is unreal!”
In reality its not just MY story.  My husband, who has the lead male role in the “story”,  has gone thru every twist, turn, and painful event with me.
With each new torment, we found ourselves scratching our heads and asking WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??  Then, in the silence of our prayers, and the agony of our hearts, God answered. “You are Walking Thru Fire.” That’s when it hit me. I will start a blog and call it WTF!!   I know what you texters are thinking.  And I knew you would think it meant that. And it probably got your attention.  But my WTF means, WALKING THRU FIRE.  I like it more than the first title.  Isn’t it funny how important something  seemingly insignificant  as the title of a blog can be?
Anyway, these are the beginnings. You will no doubt notice I am not a great writer.  If not  for spell check I would be in trouble in that area as well. But I will be honest, and maybe even humorous. And hopefully, our version of WTF  will help or inspire one of you in your version of WTF. And maybe you will find the strength to learn and share with us.
In the days,weeks and hopefully years to come, I will share the Fire with you. Probably in too much detail for some. But the whole story paints the picture of the intensity of the refining fire we are going thru.  And so it continues......

 follow me to the first steps