Monday, September 3, 2018

The time has come to figure this thing out!!

Blogging, that is. 

I have been playing with this blog, off and on, since May and I dont know if I have the hang of it yet.   
I am trying to set it up to be informational yet not antiseptic looking. 
I use the colors and styles in my blog to represent me a little bit. 

After all, this all began with me wanting to share me, with you, in a way that Glorifies God thru the work of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in my life and through my experiences.  

being the Vacillator that I am (check out The Love Style link)   I have a hard time settling on which links to display, or how to get good information in front of those who journey here. 

That being said 
I could use your input. 
If you could take a little time to view the links and look around a bit then email me your thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.
 But, please be gentle with me. I can take constructive criticism, I just dont recover creatively when Im told my blog makes a person want to puke. (yes I was told that). 

So please be honest. Tell me what you like, and dont like, why, and what you would suggest.   

I can not touch people for Jesus, if no one comes near. 

The Foothold

Give it all to God. 

That has been a theme running thru my head for several weeks.

Today, I realized, thru a very painful process with my son not wanting to see me as he promised, again, and thru Ronnies words, these two important points.

1. I have given something very important to my children. They know I will always be here for them, as long as I am still here. 
2. Evil has a foothold in my life, thru my children.

I admitted today that I feel I am going into evil whenever I have dealings with Marj, Grace, and Buddy, who are under the influence of their father (who is the doorway for evil in my life) Which is probably why I secretly wished he, their father, would just “go away”. 
I felt the door would be closed. But I never believed it would be totally closed because the stepmother could always try to take them, so she is a door as well. 

So it is not the “door” that needs closing. It is my children that need to be replaced in my heart.

I need to give it, them, to God. 
But how? 
In what way? 
How do I not hurt anymore?  ( I don’t know where that question came from as I am writing this.)

As I am I know this.  I want to be in a “love” relationship with the children of my flesh. That looks like this to me. All of us being in a house that is shared as a home in spirit if not in the physical.  And ministering love to each other. I want to be "mommy" again.

When I picture their father and stepmother having this "love"  with my children  I boil inside and explode outside.

It is physically painful and emotionally torturous. I see my children being sucked into the black Abyss. And I scream at the evil I encounter.

That brings me back to ""Give WHAT to God? HOW?"  
I don’t want to feel this pain anymore. 
Is that the goal? Or an option?

I refuse to believe “painlessness” could be my goal. 
I seek God all day every day. 
I have seen Him thru my painful experiences in the past and present. 
I see Him bigger still thru each one. 
And now, the ripping pain for my children has exposed His face even more to me
If I give my children to Him, (still working on how ) then the FOOTHOLD evil has in my life will be broken and cast out of my life. 
And I will know my Creator that much deeper.

 Therefore, the pain will be removed in the light of His glory and grace, when I cast my gaze more upon His face. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The 99 and the 1

My story begins when I was 10 years old and I had attended 

a VBS with a school friend. I was raised catholic but my 

mom didnt mind getting me out of her hair for a week so she

let me go to VBS at a bible believing church the summer of

74. On the last day of the program there was a celebration 

and baptism at a local lake. I remember playing on the beach 

while the pastor was performing baptisms of people who had 

registered prior to the celebration. I remember when he gave 

the open call to walk into the water, I stopped what I was 

doing on the sand and walked straight to the waters edge, 

and there I was baptized. I didn’t know what came over me. 

It felt so wonderful. 

The following weeks found me at the local 

pool calling the kids to get baptized in the water. I wanted 

them to feel what I felt when I went in and came out of the 

water. I would say " come on you got to feel this" 

Well, needless to say,  when I dunked them under and they 

came out they were like 

"What’s the big deal?" 

I couldn't understand why they didn't feel what I felt. 

After the  summer of 74 turned into fall I went 

on with my life up until I came across a Christian man at my 

place of employment. At that time, 1988, I was 24 and 

looking for enlightenment through the new age movement. 

When this Christian man challenged what I was following, I 

challenged him right back with, what else, scripture. 

I said to him, "Doesn't the bible say if God has 100 sheep 

and 1 should stray He will come after me?". Matt 18:12

(Ya I laugh now too.) It was at that time I realized, 

"He is coming after me!

and I remembered that day on the beach and the summer of 

74 and I realized what happened to me, what I felt and tried 

to make others feel. 

I had not thought of that summer since it happened,     
I realized at the moment I accepted Jesus as the Lord of my 

life, it was the Holy Spirit come upon my life that 

had felt in the lake when I was 10 years old, and that's 

when I understood why the others at the pool didn't 

  "feel it.  
This is my third time being baptized.

When I was an infant, I had no control of what happened to me.
When I was 10 yrs old, I had no idea what happened to me.
Today, with full willingness and knowledge 
 I choose what am doing, and I rededicate my life to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, 
with these witnesses from Fellowship Alliance Chapel.  
These are His people, 
this is my family
And I want the world to know.  

Our baptism. August 26, 2018

and I can still feel it!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The memory of a dream.

I remember those days. 

They are  like the memory of a dream I had forever ago.

They brush my heart like the ever so soft butterfly wing.

So slight and brief as the winds blow it onward. 

And I wait here, silent and still, 

holding tight to the memory, longing for its return, 

while I watch the clouds roll in.

 And I fear the delicate encounter  is no match for the storms that lie ahead.  

Thus, my heart sinks as the beauty slips through my fingertips, 

and I am left  wondering if it will ever return.  

Will it ever stay?  

Was it just a dream?  

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Declaration of The Armor of God

I hold these truths to be self-evident

That  The Spirit  of  Truth  opens our eyes to

 the Gospel of Peace,  where

 we can find  Salvation  and have 

Faith  that we are protected by 

the  Righteousness  of 

Jesus Christ alone. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How Do You Do It? (October 2015)

People ask me “how do you do it?”. Its the same question I ask when I see women living my nightmare. I look at these ladies who have lost their children and husbands and parents and I ask “how do they do it?’
There were two tragedies in life that I was always convinced I would never survive, and yet I see people surviving them everyday.  Then it occurred to me, the life I am living is a nightmare, one I never thought I would live, and one that others are convinced they would never survive.  My nightmare?  My only son, my youngest child, was violently taken from me by his father with the help of people who I never would have guessed in a millions years could turn against me and go to court against me. They lied about me, and helped my ex husband take my boy away from me.  After 14 years of being with my child every day of his life, he is now gone. I only see him once in awhile. He lives with his father and step mother. Another woman is the mother of my child.  She cooks for him, makes his lunch, comforts him when he is sad. I have been all but completely cut out of my sons life. Just the thought of my son being so far away from me is killing me. I ask myself  “how do I do it”? How do I get out of bed every day?  Put my feet on the floor? Get dressed? Move thru my day and go to work? How am I doing this? How am I surviving living my nightmare?
Truth is,
Everything in me wants to lay down and cover my head until the pain and torture is all gone.
But Love wont let me.
Love lifts me to my feet every day. Love whispers to my heart and takes my hand. Love opens my eyes so I can see colors again. Love gives me hope.  And every day, like a parent tending to their sick and broken child, Love lifts me up by it’s own gentle aching heart and empties its self of strength so that I , Loves sick and broken child, may take one more step, one more breath, and endure one more day.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love.                                                 1Corinthianans 13:13

Thursday, June 14, 2018

HOPE: Pending

I have heard it said so many times and I even asked myself. I wrote about it earlier.”How do you do it?”  My answer to everyone was so simple, so sincere. Of course it was. It was the truth. It still is. “Because God said I could do all things thru Christ. God said I can do this.”
Before I understood myself why I could handle all the devastation in my life, I was actually worried that it wasn’t affecting  me the way I thought it should be. I thought, maybe something was wrong with me. Then a peace was put in my heart that the Lord had built a hedge around me to shield me from the impact of the shock wave that had actually hit me.   Until recently.
I had always imagined that loosing a parent was life altering in ways that words alone could not describe. However, I had no idea the depth and breath of that change. That is until my own parent died.
At first I wasn’t sure what was going on inside of me. I was trying to come to grips with the reality that my daddy was dead. I would be going thru the motions of my day, what ever they may be, and a screaming in my head would come out of nowhere. 


And right behind that, without fail, the memories in vivid detail of my last moments with daddy and his funeral would blanket my mind and my heart and my soul like a lava flow from a volcano that was believed to be dormant.
I don’t know what  I was expecting. I know a parent dying is hard. Did I expect it wasn’t going to be hard on me? Seriously, it was only July,  Daddy died in April. That’s no time at all to recover. Maybe I thought since I surfed the past pretty good, I could get thru this too. I did not take into consideration the dose of pure evil I would be forced to ingest along with my dad’s passing.  Nor did I give space to the fierce loneliness I would encounter in the days weeks and months to follow.  It had never occurred to me that I would be mourning my daddy alone, without my family to comfort me. I had no one who really knew what I was feeling about my daddy dying,  to help me navigate this indescribably dark and sad landscape that I was suddenly thrown into.  I was supposed to weep with my family. We were supposed to laugh thru those tears remembering all the funny moments daddy added to our lives. WE were supposed to help each other on our better days, and have each other to cry to on our sadder days. That’s how it was supposed to be. But it was none of that for me. I was carved out in the most hateful and heart crushing way.  For reasons that were never given. And in the sight of all who were in attendance at daddy’s farewell.
For me, this was the one thing I was convinced of that I could not get through. It didn’t matter what God said. It didn’t matter what I got through before. But the realization of that didn’t come all at once. It didn’t even come right away.  I realized this was the promise breaker after I returned home from daddy’s funeral with my daughters and husband and not a day later I had an argument with my husband that resulted in his daughter leaving the house and me in a rage throwing her belongings into the yard, in the rain. I had reached a point that I could not bare one more ounce of spite or hate from another person after what I went through with in the days that surrounded my dads death. I heard myself say out loud,    “No! I haven’t been through SO much! I’ve been through 
"TOO MUCH”!   At that moment I knew I was changed. At that moment I realized  I was someone I didn’t recognize. And it has been that way ever since.
So here I am, 9 months later. I made it through Christmas but not without sever rifts in my relationship with my husband. The family he and I dreamed of and worked so hard to create is all but a lost shadow of a memory. The resentment that has found harbor in our relationship daily chips away at the ‘wonderful’ that once described our reunion and marriage.  We struggle to get through a day without a fight or a bitter word. We crawl on our hands and knees over jagged rocks and through fire seeking help, guidance, peace, wisdom, DIRECTION, from the Lord. We cry silently alone, to ourselves, mourning the loss of the amazing love we once had. And we pray.  We pray. And we pray. And we pray, for life to let up just enough to give us a glimpse of what we know is not all gone, but so well buried under  the sackcloth and ashes of the past year or so. And every now and again, we get that brief glimpse. It is not much, and it doesn’t stay long. But it gives us a grain of hope. And that is what I am living for right now.  If my eyes were a computer screen, when you look into them the message would read 
“HOPE: Pending.”  And as long as it is ‘pending‘, I will continue to crawl across these rocks and through this fire, because I will not give up on the beauty I have witnessed and the love I have not only felt but also have been able to give. As long as Hope is pending, there is still HOPE.  And I can do that, because God not only said I could, He can.

In the beginning….

I  never blogged before 2015. I rarely even read other blogs. I am not one to search out some interesting “word of the day” or “inspirational quote”. But quite often, these blogs, words, and quotes seem to find me somehow. As though I am on a list of “people who need to hear this stuff” somewhere on the internet or in the U.S. postal service.

“So Laura”, you may ask, “why are you blogging?” 
I recently started to write in a  journal. More the devotional and prayer type.  I have learned some very interesting things about myself.  As I continued to pray, write and learn, I thought to myself, “what if I could share what I am learning?”  While I am not an amazing person, I have to admit, God is teaching me some pretty amazing stuff.  I always said I would one day write a book with all of my own quotes. I would call it, ‘A Day in the Life of No One Special’.  I thought it was a catchy title. It made me chuckle just to say it.   But then, in the past several years, my life had taken such hairpin turns that were unbelievably wonderful and unbearably painful at the same time.  I often heard myself saying WHAT THE….. is going on???  Almost every person who has heard my story, has said “You need to write a book. Your story is unreal!”
In reality its not just MY story.  My husband, who has the lead male role in the “story”,  has gone thru every twist, turn, and painful event with me.
With each new torment, we found ourselves scratching our heads and asking WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??  Then, in the silence of our prayers, and the agony of our hearts, God answered. “You are Walking Thru Fire.” That’s when it hit me. I will start a blog and call it WTF!!   I know what you texters are thinking.  And I knew you would think it meant that. And it probably got your attention.  But my WTF means, WALKING THRU FIRE.  I like it more than the first title.  Isn’t it funny how important something  seemingly insignificant  as the title of a blog can be?
Anyway, these are the beginnings. You will no doubt notice I am not a great writer.  If not  for spell check I would be in trouble in that area as well. But I will be honest, and maybe even humorous. And hopefully, our version of WTF  will help or inspire one of you in your version of WTF. And maybe you will find the strength to learn and share with us.
In the days,weeks and hopefully years to come, I will share the Fire with you. Probably in too much detail for some. But the whole story paints the picture of the intensity of the refining fire we are going thru.  And so it continues......

 follow me to the first steps 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

We all take the journey. We all burn in the refining fire. 

All will experience being overwhelmed at some point in their walk.  

But none of us have to go it ALONE.

The Lord is our shepherd, and we are His people. 
In this life together, as He placed us to be.  
Not to walk alone, but with one another. 

This is where I take my steps with you.
To share the journey we are on. And in doing so,  
"equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ," EPH 4:12

Like the Phoenix, thus is the one who walks with the Lord

The Phoenix symbolizes, rejuvenation, transformation, rebirth, regeneration, revitalization, replenishment, restoration, and renewal.

It is the embodiment of TRIUMPH coming out of the flames and combustion that would take it down to ruin.

However, instead of being consumed by the fire,the Phoenix is born again, gaining new life by rising from the ashes.
I am The Phoenix
 I will rise to beauty from these ashes.
And so will YOU.

       Come join my journey