I Can Handle This… God said so!!!
The Tidal waves never seem to stop rolling into my life. Its one painful event after the other. Just when I think I can come up for a good long breath, another one hits, and there I go tumbling around in the water again.
I often heard myself saying, “I can’t handle this!”
I am a child of God! I know His word. I feel His love. Then why do I feel overwhelmed and about to break?
“I am not going to make it thru this Lord!!”
Then one day I was listening to one of my favorite Pastor/Teachers, Lloyd Pulley, from Bridging the Gap, and as if he had been watching me and listening to my prayers, Pastor Lloyd taught, when life is tossing you around and it seems like struggles we face are incomprehensible, and out of nowhere, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. So many days I have scratched my head at the “circumstances” in my life and thought “What is going on? This just doesn’t happen in normal life.”
I have suffered so many instances of “that’s not normal” I began to think I was going crazy. I just didn’t understand how so many NOT NORMAL circumstances could be in my life at the same time, with such frequency and intensity. I began to think I was suffering from the consequences of my divorce, but then slowly began to see the difference between the consequences and the abnormal circumstances in my life. As Lloyd spoke the divide became clearer and the Truth started to come into focus.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
I need to remind myself daily that, I may be Cracked, But I am not broken.
If it is in my life, I can handle it, because my strength comes from the Lord. God will not give me more than I can bear.